Thruth always wins part 2
6. MEDIA MANIPULATIONS - Just 2 examples of many
a) Can we trust doctors in the media? Maybe better to be careful? Judge yourself.. 9:34
b) Dr Berg - How media can twist scientific studies' findings 5:00
Some journalists call themselves "medical journalists" but many of them definitely don't know how to read reports of studies and how to interpret the findings. I believe most of them read the "conclusions" part only...
And here you have a result of it: media all over the world repeating the same "mistake"... There's actually no coincidence all the media do the same "mistake" once you know who owns them. This is why I don't believe the media anymore, so have to check everything myself. No, not with "fact checkers" I'm not saying fact checkers are always bad, but you need to take a look at their funding to make your own conclusions.
I sadly need to add here that many scientists simply do their research on order. Please look at no.1 at the very bottom. Some of them do what they are paid for. The newest example would be hydroxychloroquine clical trial. Doctors who have been using this drug for decades alarmed that zinc has to be given along with hydroxychloroquine. They were ignored so zinc wasn't added to this clinical trial. How do you think, why?
If you want to fully understand how are the media influencing your perception and your behaviour, please watch OUT OF SHADOWS DOCUMENTARY here In my opinion it's a must see video.
Have you realized media say almost nothing about how to improve your immune system? Medical officials say almost nothing neither about this subject. Why? Shouldn't it be first thing to say?
Viruses attack once our body temperature goes down. It's very important to keep it in mind.
There you have scientific evidence (just one of many) for what I am personally using once having any cold/viral infection to help my body fight with it. I encourage you to do your own research about the benefits of vitamins: C, A, D3, E and K2MK7, herbs, essential oils and.. fever. For me all these have been just a routine for many years already but you need to do your own research on how exactly do these work in details and how to use them. Fever is your friend when you know how to use it. I was very lucky as a retired doctor taught me how to use these mentioned above. Thomas Jefferson once wrote: "Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now". Isn't it actually happening now?
Many doctors and scientists say that it is possible that people may not be getting sick because of the virus itself but because of the overreacting immune system. This hypothesis should be discussed in public, not censored. Why may the immune system be overreacting? It's a very important question. Why are we having an epidemic of autoimmune diseases? What about an epidemic of diabetes, autism, cancer, asthma, allergies? What are the reasons and solutions? Drugs are not the solution. We first need to know the factors causing these diseases.
Another thing is that our body knows what to do with a natural substance as we are part of the nature, but it's much more difficult for our bodies to handle synthetic drugs. I'm not saying natural substances are always good and synthetic substances are always bad. It's much more complicated.
If me or my family member get sick, we want to stay at home and treat ourselves the way we usually do as we know our bodies and immune systems better than any doctor. We know what works for us once treating any cold or flu. I don't want any medication unless I decide (taking my knowledge and experience into account) that it's necessary. Would you like someone else to decide about it or would you prefer to decide by yourself? What if someone else would be able to force you to some medication by law, without taking responsibility for it?
In December myself, my family and 2 more families of my friends had strange flus, looking exactly like coronavirus. Each one of us spent 2-3 nights coughing, some spent many days in bed, so I think it is possible we went through this infection already. First recorded case in China was dated 17th of November. We have a lot of Chinese students in Ireland, right?
Is medicine treating the root causes of a disease or symptoms only? Are doctors looking at you as a whole (body and soul) or every doctor looks at a different thing i.e. cardiologist checks your heart, neurologist checks your brain? Is anyone checking are drugs you are taking, prescribed by many doctors, interfering with each other? If I get sick, I want to have the right to decide what treatment methods should be used. Swiss people can choose whatever method they agree with their doctor (this includes natural medicine, Chinese medicine etc.) and it's all paid from their taxes. No method prohibited. Why haven't we the same rights as Swiss people? Are we any worse than them? And now we have people treated in hospitals for covid-19 but it's very hard for their families to keep contact with the doctors who are actually treating these patients (as visitors are not allowed) so it's hard to keep anyone accountable. Please look at no. 3 at the very boottom.
Doctors and nurses just follow procedures. They are good people but the rules of their professions changed so much within the last few decades that they are actually not allowed to think by themselves. They are trapped. They have to follow procedures, which are actually strongly influenced by big medical businesses. Some methods which are not included in the procedures, are allowed in some other countries and are efficient. Why are those not used in Ireland then? The problem is natural substances cannot be patented so no-one can make huge money on it. Once you take a look at pharmaceutical drugs, you will see most of them have a natural substance as an active ingredient. The other substances are added to the natural one so the drug can be patented and loads of money can be made on selling it. We already had many scandals when approved drugs turned out to me harmful. Vioxx? Pradaxa? Just to mention these two. And what about vaginal mesh or cobalt hip implants? I'm just mentioning a few of many examples, once approved drug or treatment causes harm to people. How come these went through randomised controlled trials and got approved? Please do your own research to find the answer.
10. Lord Sumption, former Supreme Court Justice on BBC Radio
Once I spoke with my 85 years old grandmother recently, she said to me: "My dear, if next generations need to suffer just because government says they need a lockdown to save potential trouble to people like me, I don't want it. But no-one wants to listen to us. Government decides against what I believe most of us would wish". Why do people who think the same way as my grandmother not allowed to do what they want, are not allowed to see their families, grandkids? It's supposed to be their own decision.
If I was in a risk group being afraid of the virus, I would isolate myself, I would take all necessary precautions, but I would never ever demand or support the idea of locking healthy people up in their homes.
1. Richard Smith, former editor of British Medical Journal - Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies
2. Reality of China - is this coming to Ireland?
3. Medical errors as 3rd leading cause of death
4. Who owns you? (for adults only)
5. American doctors about bullying and censorship in terms of coronavirus
6. The biggest livestream in the history of internet - 1.336.000 people were watching it at the same time - please note I may not agree with David Icke about many things but this interview is a must see anyway
7. Rockefeller (one of the wealthiest families in the world) Foundation report: "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" - please read part "Lock step - a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback" - page 18to 25. Does it look familiar to what we are currently experiencing?
8. Just a short video of anti-lockdown protests from all over the world
9. Event 201 was a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York - I think there's nothing wrong about planning in case of a pandemic but listening to Event 201 videos was very disturbing to me. This is because there are only big companies and organisations involved in this project. We all know however that small and medium businesses are the core of every economy. So now those Event 201 actors put their plan in place but the core of the economy was completely forgotten. So I'm afraid they planned what's good for them only and we can clearly see now they are really doing what they planned once ordinary people and small/madium businesses are drowning. Will these major companies and organisations become stronger and wealthier than ever before because of this? I'm afraid so. It looks like they are trying to use their money to implement their ideas into our lives. You would never normally accept these ideas but you may accept them once being scared. So please don't be scared, don't let them scare you and find a balance between being careful in terms of a disease and keeping your liberties.
10. Bexsero rDNA vaccine leaflet (Kawasaki syndrome listed as a side effect - page 4)
11. CDC stats about Kawasaki disease in USA
May God bless everyone who did read this article and their loved ones
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