Feel free to share it with anyone you want.
Please forgive me a very long introduction but I would like you to see the whole picture and there's no other way to do it. Please be patient. Once you finish reading thos article, you'll understand why I wrote it this way.
Medicine as a whole has been my hobby since I was a university student. I had access to a huge university library. I spent more time there than anywhere else. I got my master's degree in management, marketing and economy, but medicine has always been close to me. So once the virus situation happened, it was natural for me to do my own research, focusing on information from doctors and scientists. I was shocked how one-sided media are. I believe you all know the media narrative. Here you have the missing part of the story, which is told by doctors and scientists who think differently and are not welcomed into the media. I feel that I have moral duty to share this information with as many people as possible, not to make them believe in my every word, but to encourage people to do their own research. Your critical thinking and independence in looking for sources of information, is the biggest threat to those who want to do something against your interest. In a world ruled by money, there are a lot of them. For example: those who are selling you food which is ruining your health. It's very hard to find real science on television or in newspapers. I hardly watch television. A few years ago, I realized that they are lying to us by telling us just some parts of the truth. Part of the truth is a lie, isn't it? Do you remember what Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, used to say?
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
We are told: "Do not worry, we will rebuild our economy", but they are not telling us how long it will take. In my opinion it's a deliberate lie.
Every day I see terrified people, people wearing masks once walking outside, even in windy conditions, taking care of their gardens with a mask on, sitting in their cars and wearing a mask. Most people don't know how to use gloves and masks safely. When people do something what makes no sense, it means that fear turned off their critical thinking. I'm wondering how will all that change our trust for each other. Will we be looking at each other now like at someone who may infect us? Will we be afraid of others? Will we be spying on the others and denouncing other people the same way as it was in communist countries when I was born or when Hitler got the power in Germany? I know from my grannies' and grandgranny's stories how it was like. Are we going back to those times in history? It is possible because it looks like humans don't actually learn from history. Believe me or not, but holocaust happens every day. 25.000 people die every day because of hunger or poverty. Isn't that a holocaust? Oxford dictionary says that holocaust is a "destruction or slaughter on a mass scale". People protest all over the world as many of them are simply starving. In most of the countries there are no social welfare benefits paid to people. Even in the USA loads of people haven't got any financial help. They cannot work. They have no money. They have no food for themselves and for their children. Please take it into account before judging them. And many of these people are arrested. Isn't it a tyranny to lock healthy people up in their houses?
Do you know how Warsaw ghetto was created? Why the Warsaw community let it happen? Germans told the community that all Jews were disease carriers. Just some of them were sick really, as it is in every community. People got scared of the disease and let the Jews to be locked up in the ghetto. Or maybe I should say they were... asymptomatic? Dear God..
I've spent so many years educating myself, so me, my family and friends are safer from any disease. Our diet is based on homemade organic food and healthy water. We significantly reduced our sugar intake. No smoking, no alcohol, a lot of exercising etc. Just mentioning a few. And now I am called an asymptomatic and a villain just because I'm healthy and not afraid. But I'm not afraid because I am prepared and I know how to be safe. I spent countless hours learning to be called a villain now. This is so ironic, isn't it?
I've read loads of medical books and studies and as far as I remember only ebola, tuberculosis and chicken pox are airborne. But still a certain time and amount of the virus is "needed" to get infected. If covid-19 was airborne, no mask would stop it as virus particles are much smaller than those tiny holes in masks so most of supermarket staff would be sick at the moment. Are they sick? Remember however this is all just my thinking. You need to judge it yourself.
So as you can see scientists argue about this subject. Science doesn't know the answer so far. We are forced to maintain social distance just because of a possiblity of danger. So why aren't we doing the same with 5G? Is there a possibility of side effects of 5G? Obviously. Are there any studies done on 5G safety for humans? No, there's none. (proof from US Senate here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekNC0J3xx1w ). I call it double standards and I think it's completely unethical. What's more, 5G antennas grow all over the world now once we are told to stay at home so noone can protest. At the same time Elon Musk puts his Starlik satellites on the orbit. As far as I remember there will be 42.000 satellites there. We are told it's for speeding up the internet. Do we really need it now without safety testing? Is it really for the internet only? We know already US soldiers can be traced by satellites and to have it possible they have to keep distance from each other once on a mission. Can we be traced from satellites one day? Has anyone asked us about all that? Look here
https://www.starlink.com/ No surprise many people don't trust this technology. What's wrong with asking for new technology testing before it's implemented? Why are we refused this right and why are we accepting this refusal?
We are all social creatures. We need interactions with other people to live. I'm concerned about mental health effects on those people who are so scared now. And even those of us who are not scared but just careful like myself, have our social life turned upside down. At first I was very careful like everyone else keeping in mind that I need to do my research first to check how significant the risk really is. After I did my research, I am not afraid anymore of being close to a person with no symptoms. Please note, this is not advice, but just my own perspective. I'm still keeping social distance so no-one feels scared because of my presence, but if a healthy person wants to come closer to me, I would never tell him/her to stay away from me. I'd love to have a chance to ask our government live in public, for a scientific proof that an asymptomatic person can spread the coronavirus. And if the answer was that this is just a precaution, my answer would be: "So now, stop 5G, as a precaution. Let's do safety testing first". How do you think? What would they say? You cannot imagine how much money is involved in this.
Ask yourself what would you do seeing a person collapsing now in a town centre? Would you help? Maybe it was a heart attack? Or a stroke? Or would you be afraid of the virus? Situations like this are happening all over the world, and guess what? People are afraid to help because they are afraid of the virus. I wouldn't be afraid. I believe, love and compassion to every living creature should go first as it washes away all fears.
Fear is scientifically proven to put the immune system down. Look how many people are living in fear right now. Their immune systems are weak just because of that. What's more, they don't go outside to get some fresh air or sun. They are afraid to breathe. They are afraid to open the windows. They are afraid of the other people. They made themselves ALONE.
The human body has, simply speaking, 2 modes:
a) normal mode when the immune system is "on"
b) stress mode ("fight or flight) when the immune system goes down as all energy is focused on running away from the threat
What happens when stress mode lasts for too long? Disease? Epigenetics and all traditional medicines like Chinese or New German Medicine say the same. I am sure thet within next few months or more we will have an epidemic of lockdown-related diseases. And guess what... we will be told by the media that it's all caused by covid and it's all because of people who don't want to accept the "rules".
Why is there almost nothing in the media about how a bad diet can increase risk of disease? We are what we eat, there's no way around it. Look here. This doctor didn't even get 5 minutes to tell any details about it to the public
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkW2qD6gjzI 5:00 For me, it's a disgrace.
Why is there so much censorship in the media? Censhorship doesn't save lives, discussion does. Countless amounts of posts and videos deleted from facebook, youtube, vimeo...
People are massively migrating to VT (Russian "facebook") and bitchute or creating digital freedom platforms. And I'm only talking about posts and videos of doctors, scientists, nurses or others showing results of several studies. I think there's no real science once there's censorship. Why are people censored for asking questions, sharing their experience or simply investigating some subjects? Why aren't we allowed to have alternative hypothesis? No debate = no science. How can we make informed decisions then? What if those censored people are right? Why are they censored? There is a phrase: "if you cannot win a discussion, don't have it". What if those censors don't want to have a discussion because they know they wouldn't be able to win it? Or we may say: "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you are only telling the world that you fear what he might say". They have so much money they can literally silence anyone.
Nicolaus Copernicus, a great astronomer, was called crazy by many. If he lived today, he would definitely be censored, his facebook and youtube accounts would be closed. One day me, or you can be censored just because of having different opinion than the mainstream. Do you remember from history that books were burned in the past? It was old fashioned censorship. Censorship is back, but only a few people seem to notice because there's no fire and smoke from burned books anymore. Today's censorship is silent. What's more, most people are supporting it because they believe and trust those censors. They simply gave their lives to someone else's hands. Same happened to the Germans in 1930's and 1940's. They were not bad people. They were lied to. This is scary, especially if you've read about Stanley Milgram's or Philip Zimbardo's experiments explaining how a normal person can become a monster, like those running concentration camps. Why did we let censorship happen? Maybe because we're working so hard every day so we have no time to look for information ourselves and this is why we trust that some media will tell us all we need to know? What if they are actually telling us what THEY want us to know? I'm afraid there's too much money involved in the media to trust them. But still, this is just my opinion.
German Lutheran pastor, Martin Niemoller, made a kind of confession in 1964 what was chanaged to a poem...
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
This is a real danger of censoriship. Who's going to warn you of danger if you let censorship exist? Who's going to help you if everyone will be silenced? What's more, we are all censoring ourselves. I'm not doing it anymore. Enough is enough. What about you? If you see evil, speak up. You owe it to your children, grandchildren and the following generations. I don't want them to live in an orwellian reality and I will do everything what's possible to not let it happen. Martin Luther King once said: "I was not afraid of the words of the violent, but of the silence of the honest".
Edmund Burke, the Irish philosopher and politician, penned these words: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” I believe we, ordinary people, have good hearts. Some people may be troubled but when you treat them with love and compassion, they become completely different people. Let's say there's 95% good people on this beautiful planet. If you're still reading this you're definitely one of them. We, good people, are majority here, right? We just want to live normal life. So why are we so afraid to speak up against 5% evil? What are we afraid of? Consequences? Are consequences of speaking up bigger or smaller than consequences for all human kind and next generations, of not speaking up? Shoud we think about consequences of speaking up or about just doing the right thing? You can feel inside of you what is wrong and what is right. God gave us this internal compass on purpose. So let's just do what is right. What will you say to God after you die? "Sorry, God, but I was afraid to fight with evil"? "Sorry, God, I was a coward"? Every time we do nothing once seing evil, we are not victims but accomplice of evil. Many Christians now say it is the end of times in the meaning of apocalyptic times. I've read The Apocalypse of st. John again and... I'm really hoping it's not going to happen.
Another reason we are afraid to do the right things is because we are divided. We are afraid the other people will not stand on our side and/or will laugh. Divide and conquer. Politicians and big businesses use this old Roman rule all the time. Them and the media divided us. Please do your own research about who owns the media, about what are the news agencies and who owns them. How much of a media budget comes from ads? Who is the biggest advertiser? Pharmaceutical companies? You will be shocked. We were told the other people are our enemies. We are bombarded every day by the media with news about bad people. But media broadcast is not a representative as it focuses on bad news. We are shown what those 5% do but not shown all the good things 95% of people do every day. Good is not selling well. If you know me personally, you know I'm smiling a lot. This is because I like people as I know the reality is much better than what media show. I like people and I believe in them.
I've seen so many facebook accounts deleted, thousands of comments deleted. Comments, posts, videos of ordinary people like you or me disappear everywhere. Bill Gates deleted 48.000 twitter comments and it was only within a few hours and from one post only. Why? Maybe because he doesn't want you to see people don't want his ID 2020 idea? He says you would need an immunity certificate to go to work or travel and he definitely has enough money to push this idea into real life. For me it's tragic that hundreds if not thousands of doctors and scientists are censored but Gates, who is not even a doctor is interviewed by media like Financial Times or BBC. But... look and read the comments below these interviews (surprisingly many are not deleted) what ordinary people like me or you say there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie6lRKAdvuY&t=2s and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0nGvAiail0&t=1s. It's hard to find a single comment there in favour of Bill Gates. But mainstream media keep saying he's a lovely man. Is he really? Or maybe it's just because he's rich?
I think he's so welcomed into the media because at the moment he's the biggest sponsor of WHO. By the way, do you know that a while ago WHO changed description of a pandemic? Time will show if it was a good decision or not. Gates sponsors many medical projects and other initiatives as well. I have nothing against rich people as long as they don't use their money to influence our lives in a way we wouldn't normally accept. I'm afraid this is what Bill Gates and many others are doing now. We are told he's a philantropist. I can say, as a qualified economist, he's still earning loads of money on each and every "philantropic" activity and these are changing our lives not necessarily in the the way we like. Yesterday some information was released that Microsoft, which was founded by Bill Gates, wants to invest $ to transform Poland into the cyber heart of Europe. Many Polish people are furious about it, but who would care? The government?
It feels like in Orwell's "1984" reality with The Ministry of Truth where even asking questions is prohibited and thoughtcrime exists. By the way, once we have more time in a lockdown, you may find books like Orwell's "Animal farm" or Huxley's "Brave new world" interesting. We are told those accounts, posts or comments are deleted because these are "misinformation" or "conspiracy theories". The thing is, everything is a conspiracy theory before it is proven to be true. But how to prove it in a world of censorship when no open public discussion is possible? And there are conspiracies possible, right? So if conspiracies are possible, some conspiracy theories may be true. I will always be advocating for freedom of speech. Even if you don't agree with me I will be fighting up to the end so you have the right to disagree with me. Some people in this world say they know the truth for 100%. I don't understand their ego. I think we should all decide by ourselves which sources of information we use, instead of letting others decide which information is correct and which is not. This is always us who take consequences of our decisions. Why some people want to tell us what we have to do once they are taking no responsibility for the result?
I'm wondering is there anything the government would not do to "protect" us? Would the government spy on us? Would they trace us? Would the government force us to medication we do not want? Would the government tell you to report coughing or sneezing people? Would the government remove coughing or sneezing people from their homes, taking them God only knows where and medicating them with God only knows what? Would the government remove coughing or sneezing children as well? What about the people sneezing or coughing because of an allergy? I'm not joking. Listen to this WHO official, dr Michael Ryan. He really said it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8s_LhWXqUk or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgHeuzM6mDU Would the government introduce "social credit" as it is in China? (you have an article about it at the very bottom - no. 2). Or maybe we will be so scared that we will be expecting governments to "protect" us? I'm afraid many of us don't even feel they are actually trading their freedom for an illusion of safety. Benjamin Franklin said in 1755: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety".
The government even closed our churches. Why aren't priests and us protesting and proposing some ideas of how to host more masses for a few people attending each mass? Look what happened. Someone said there's a deadly virus out there and your rights were vanished in one moment. As far as I know there were no situations in the past when churches were closed from the inside. What is going on? Is there really no safe way to open churches for a few people at a time? Thomas Jefferson, one of the authors of The Declaration of Independence, wrote in 1787: “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive”. Why aren't we doing anything with the closure of churches then? Maybe because our right to protest is taken away? Even healthy people who are not at rosk at all are not allowed to protest. All you can do is to write a comment in the internet government really doesn't care about at all.
I think that if a government gets some more power over us, they will never give it back. Believe me, I'd love to be wrong about this. I'd love to be wrong about many, many things. All governments all over the world use one tricky method which I call frog cooking. If you put a frog into the pot filled with hot water, it will jump out. But if you put the frog into the pot filled with cold water and you will be increasing the temperature slowly, the frog will be finally cooked as it will not know when to jump out. We are like these frogs put into the cold water. We are giving away our freedom bit by bit, for an illusion of safety. I think it's just an illusion of safety as no government would take care of us better than we take care of ourselves and our loved ones. We are given fish instead of being given a fishing rod. They are actually taking our fishing rod away (job) and giving us fish (benefits) so they can say they gave us something. But the government has no money of its own. All the money they have is our money that we paid in our taxes. Now the're printing money like crazy. Economists are terrified, but who's going to listen to them as most people are scared begging the government to save them no matter what? The old Latin phrase panem et circenses came from the Romans and means "bread and circuses" or "bread and games". It simply means that a politician can do almost everything once the ruled people have enough food and entertainment. What are we given now? We are given benefits (food) and entertainment (media).
I need to mention the technocracy idea here. Technocracy is a system where no politicians but technocrats (scientists, doctors, bureaucrats, businessmen) rule the world. They say what is "right" and everyone is told to follow this mandatorily. No other views are allowed and all other views are censored. Doesn't it look like we are closer and closer to technocracy? Are our governments ruled? I think they are. By whom? I think they are ruled by big businesses, all those corporation owners, rich people who finance their election campaigns and all those nice looking but not necessarily good for us "projects". We have many pharmaceutical factories in Ireland. The Government wants to keep them here. What are the possible consequences of it? Do you remember smear tests scandal? What was the reason it happened?
We have a new disease now so a new approach is probably needed, but medicine and its procedures don't change that quickly and that's what may cause unnecessary deaths. One of countless examples of how slowly medicine changes is Dr
Ignaz Semmelweis's story. Here's a short quote from https://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/13/3/233.full :
"Although Dr Semmelweis was the first healthcare professional to demonstrate experimentally that hand washing could prevent infections, it was not until approximately two decades after his death that his work was revisited and he was given credit". He was the first one who found out doctors and nurses should wash their hands but it took about 50 years to implement his findings in medicine. He was never rewarded for this. He was called charlatan instead. He is just an example of countless amount of doctors and scientists.
These documents and videos are from official sources, doctors and scientists only. I don't agree with them about everything and I'm still thinking about all their findings and trying to "organize" this information in my mind. There's no-one who is always right and we can never say for 100% who is right and who is not. All we can do is take all the information we have together, and make our own judgement. My position is that God put brains into our heads for a reason, so that we think by ourselves instead of letting others decide about our lives. I believe we are all smart enough to do so. Many of us just don't believe in ourselves. I still believe in humanity. My philosophy is to listen to everyone, even if what they say sounds crazy. Just one example. People warning the global community about mind control experiments were called "conspiracy theorists" for decades. But recently under Freedom of Information Act American CIA published the files about this experiment.
https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/ It all turned out to be true. Will anyone now apologize about calling them people conspiracy theorists? Definitely not. They never do. Will the government use knowledge from these experiments on us? It is possible.
For me, every information or opinion is like a puzzle piece. You need to have loads of these pieces to find out which ones actually belong to the picture. If you close yourself to some information only, you will never be able to finish your picture, you will never be able to see the truth. Please don't label anyone until you check everything out by yourself. I've already learned that if the media is attacking someone, I should listen to that person.
This is just a tiny bit of all what I found as I would like this article to be as short to read and watch as possible. Well, it will be long anyway and it may take you few days to read and listen to all of its contents, but hopefully you will find it interesting and maybe you will fall in love with medicine and science as well?
These are original FDA/CDC documents:
page 1. Results are for the identification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The SARS-CoV-2 RNA is generally detectable in respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection. Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.
Negative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for patient management decisions. Negative results must be combined with clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information.
Kary Mullis who won the Nobel Prize in 1993 for inventing PCR method, said clearly this is not a tool for diagnosing. He died in August 2019, so sadly he is now unable to protest. At the moment there is a huge testing scandal in Poland which the Polish government is trying to hide by silencing doctors and simply not letting this subject into the main media. Polish Minister of Health prof. Szumowski, a few weeks ago, said that Poland will not test everyone with PCR tests because there would be loads of false positives. There were many testing scandals already, all over the world, including tests contaminated with the virus. In Tanzania, a goat, a bird and papaya fruit tested positive!
My question is: what if those called asymptomatic were/are actually the people who had a false positive result? We already know that test result may be positive if a patient had this coronavirus in the past. Here you have an analysis of it.
https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/covid-19-what-proportion-are-asymptomatic/ I would love to have an opportunity to ask officials
live in public this question and many other questions. But people like you or me are not allowed to do so. Only journalists can do it. Think about it. Are journalists asking officials the same questions you would ask? I doubt. Why are we not allowed anymore to ask questions to politicians live in public? Stop here for a moment please, and think about it.
It would be great to have a vaccine for this but producing a safe vaccine takes at least 7 years. Do you remember narcolepsy side effects after h1n1 swine flu fast tracked vaccine? In Ireland itself, there is still a 100 people fighting in Irish courts with the Irish government over these side effects. It takes so long because people don't do full health checks before being vaccinated. Because of this it's much harder to prove that side effect was caused by the vaccine.
https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/specialreports/special-report-the-battle-continues-for-those-people-who-developed-narcolepsy-after-swine-flu-jab-986638.html And what if the virus will mutate even more? How efficient would the vaccine be then? Dr Fauci, the head of Donald Trump's coronavirus team, said that the vaccine may not be effective and that there are many risks involved.
Why is hydroxychloroquine so attacked? This is a very old drug, tested for its safety for decades. According to what many doctors say it works great for covid-19 with zinc, but.. it's very cheap. And here where the problem is. Many people say: if you don't know where the problem is, follow the money.
Here's a panel of doctors report about covid-19 and vitamin C (or sodium ascorbate). I bet you were told and believed that vitamin C doesn't help. Listen to these doctors please to understand what the problem really is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7DjZU4M78c I always have 1 kg of vitamin C powder at home.
Did anyone estimate deaths caused by results of a lockdown? Delayed diagnosis and delayed treatment of many diseases. Suicides. Home violence. Deaths caused by depression and drug overdose. Just to mention a few. As far as I remember, when the Irish government decided about the lockdown, we already knew from Chinese and Italian data, who is at risk of this virus. Why didn't we isolate just those groups, giving them benefits and organizing food deliveries for them? We locked down everyone instead and as an economist I can say clearly it will be the worst economic crisis in history. None of us are able at the moment to even imagine how hard it will be. And obviously we, ordinary people will pay the price. We will pay back the benefits given now in our future taxes. But the rich will become even richer. Look here. This is how much money they earn during the lockdown once we are losing everything we worked hard for.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2020/04/27/billionaires-are-getting-richer-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-while-most-americans-suffer/ Unless... the economic system will collapse completely and a new one will be created. But the danger is, if this happens, the new economic system would be based on electronic money only, no physical money. There is no freedom without cash. I always pay with cash.
We are now told that physical money could be contaminated by the virus and we are asked to pay with card. Is it a coincidence? Not at all. All economists know that cash may be taxed or even fully removed very soon because card transactions are more beneficial for banks and the government. Will you just accept it for yourself and future generations?
Is there any science justifying the lockdown? As far as I hear from experts, there's none. It's just one huge social experiment ruining our economy for at least 2 decades. The only reason we have a lockdown is because Chinese government did so. We implemented communist government's method in a democracy but people are so scared they don't notice. Even WHO says they never recommended lockdowns. What is going on?
a) US Senator dr Jensen about instructions for filling in death certs and about how much more hospitals are paid for treatment of a patient with a ventilator than one without a ventilator
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GXTHjl8Tss 17:58
Treating a coronavirus patient is simply much more profitable for hospitals and labs than patients not diagnosed with coronavirus. It means that there's a possiblity of "creating" covid patients or using the most profitable treatment methods instead of the best methods. These rules are similar all over the world.
Please note these instructions are the same in the USA, Italy, UK and France. This means a positive test result or even just a suspicion of this infection is enough to put covid-19 on a death cert.
page 8:
New ICD-10 codes for COVID-19:
a) U07.1 COVID-19, virus identified
b) U07.2 COVID-19, virus not identified
Clinically-epidemiologically diagnosed COVID-19:
* Probable COVID-19
* Suspected COVID-19
Please note a) and b) are counted together..
Ireland 1232 of 4.900.000 (all population as from Eurostat) 0,025 %
Sweden 2586 of 10.230.000 0,025 %
So Ireland has the same crude mortality rate as Sweden, where there's no official lockdown, shops and restaurants are open, children up to 16 years of age are at schools, just social distancing advised but not really obeyed, older people and people from the other risk groups are advised to isolate themselves and nursing homes (which are much bigger than in Ireland) are closed for visitors. Why does the Irish government not want to change its strategy to the Swedish-like one? What I mean is isolating the risk groups only, giving them benefits, organising food supplies for them etc. and let the others (which is about 80%) to work to save at least shreddings of our economy. As an economist I can say it would be more difficult to organise, but the full cost would be much much smaller. I was taught by my professors to analyze every strategy taking into account all factors from now and from the future, as well as alternative risks and alternative costs. I'm afraid the current strategy doesn't take future implications into account. It was just copied from China. It is a fact as well that once governments don't let some doctors and scientists to share their (different than the mainstream) views with the public, decissions cannot be optimal. Are the right people advising governments?
I may be a dreamer like John Lennon, but I think a free society is a much better option.
It means people from risk groups are supported by government in their isolation, they are doing themselves what's necessary to be safe, and the others work and live as usual at the same time being responsible for their decisions. This option saves economy (it's sadly too late for most economies) and saves lives. I think each one of us should demand to have our freedom of deciding what to do, back. If someone feels healthy and is not in a risk group, they should have a right to go back to work or school and live normally. These healthy people pay taxes which are spent for a treatment of the sick people, right? Once they don't work, there soon will be no money for treatment. But noone says this. We already know that over 80% of us would have mild symptoms or none at all. So why are we locking up 80% to save trouble for about 20%, instead of isolating those 20% and letting 80% live normally? This way we would achieve herd immunity, the same as in Sweden and there would be no need for spending money on a vaccine which will definitely be expensive (if there's going to be any). It's still not too late to reduce the impact of a lockdown. Late is alwas better than later. Please note that most politicians are far from our reality. They forgot or don't know at all how is it like to lose a job and not be able to find a new one. They don't feel what we feel at the moment so this is why their decisions may be far away from what we actually need and from what is actually better for us. And even if they lose elections, they will still get well paid jobs with no problem. But obviously they will be convincing you all the time that they know what's best for you and the other people. Excuse me but I don't want to be treated like a child by the government. I know what's best for me. I've spent so many years learning so I don't need them to help me.
Crude mortality continued:
Germany 6623 of 83.000.000 0,008% (please note German death cert guidelines are more, I'd say, based on common sense)
USA 63856 of 328.200.000 0,02% (few states have no lockdown at all, few have partial lockdown)
Italy 27967 of 60.360.000 0,046%
France 49476 of 70.000.000 0,07%
UK 26771 of 66.650.000 0,04%
Do you remember articles about a priest who hosted a mass and you were told many people got the virus because ot that mass? Now, once you know a lot about media manipulations, and about false positive test results, do you see it differently? Or those trucks they told us had coffins inside? Do you see it differently now? I have many friends in Italy and they say there's no pandemic there. There are people dying there, obviously, but it's far far away from what the media say.
It means many people will get sick because of wearing a mask..
Dr. Sarfaraz Munshi of Queens Hospital demonstrates breathing techniques for COVID-19 patients who are struggling to breathe or having a cough fit:
END of part 1
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